QuTi Case Study

As a case study, we choose to set up a running prototype for the restaurant of our university campus. It is ideal for two reasons:
  • The university campus is completely covered by a wireless network, called UrbiZone. Furthermore, the high number of visitors, students and personnel, that visit the restaurant on a daily basis, guarantee a large test public for our case study.
  • The university campus restaurant has outspoken peek moments, which makes it an ideal site for the QuTi application. Furthermore, it has separate entrances and exists, which eases our technical installation and reduces the cost for our prototype.

Our technical apparatus for detecting traffic consists of SenSource technology. We used unidirectional infra-red sensors to cover entrances and exists (see picture below), supported with a SenSource server to collect traffic information.

SenSource sensors

We subsequently used the implementation of the QuTi framework to build three client applications: a Web-based and a mobile application, both supplying the user with queuing information of the restaurant, and the management application to create and configure the QuTi restaurant event.


Project performed in the context of iBrussels, a research project on Wi-Fi Architecture and financed by the Brussels Capital-Region and supervised by CIBG.

©2004 • Vrije Universiteit Brussel • Pleinlaan 2 • 1050 Elsene • Tel.: 02/629.21.11 • info@vub.ac.be