Welcome to the QuTi homepage

Welcome on the QuTi Web site. QuTi, in full "Queue Time", is a research project performed by the Web & Information System Engineering (WISE) research group, which is part of the department of Computer Science & Applied Computer Science of the Vrije University Brussel. The goal of the QuTi project was to develop a framework that provides real-time information on queue-sensitive events. QuTi relies on existing detection technologies to monitor crowds and measure bustle, and delivers this time-sensitive information through a Web site and a mobile application. Based on this real-time information, visitors can decide when is the best time to visit. Ultimately, a better spread of visitors is eyed.

To know all about QuTi, its realization, its case study and demo applications, feel free to browse around using the navigation menu on the left.

  • For immediate access to the VUB restaurant demo site, click here!
  • To see the demonstration movie, click here!


Project performed in the context of iBrussels, a research project on Wi-Fi Architecture and financed by the Brussels Capital-Region and supervised by CIBG.

©2004 • Vrije Universiteit Brussel • Pleinlaan 2 • 1050 Elsene • Tel.: 02/629.21.11 • info@vub.ac.be