QuTi Web Application

The QuTi Web application allows users to visualize, in real-time, the bustle at an event. It aims to provide desktop and mobile users with an overview of the current bustle at a particular event, and a summary of which crowds can be expected based on historical information captured by QuTi. The "thumbs-up" metaphor is used to give the user an impression of how crowded the event is for different time intervals (see screen shot below). When hovering over the "information" icon, the user is presented with explanation on the metaphor. A graphical representation of the crowds completes the traffic overview.

Quti Web application: screentshot

A mobile Cascading StyleSheet (CSS) ensures mobile users get a suitable view, adjusted to their device (see screen shot below).

QuTi Web application: mobile CSS screenshot

You can visit the QuTi Web application here.


Project performed in the context of iBrussels, a research project on Wi-Fi Architecture and financed by the Brussels Capital-Region and supervised by CIBG.

©2004 • Vrije Universiteit Brussel • Pleinlaan 2 • 1050 Elsene • Tel.: 02/629.21.11 • info@vub.ac.be